C.A.S.E. – Creativity, Action, Service and Enrichment is a program at the heart of the Links’ experience. Students from Classes 3 to 8 participate in C.A.S.E. activities throughout the year which ultimately, count towards 10% of their Class 11 graduation. This program allows students to move beyond just reaching their academic goals, by allowing them to engage in several activities which help them explore collaboration, self-determination and initiative. Such experiences not only enrich their school life, but help them make connections with their academic curriculum and the community.
Activities such as arts and crafts, photography, film making, performing arts, music and creative writing.
Physical exertion contributing towards a healthy lifestyle, that complements the academic program of study such as being involved in an individual or team sport and taking part in outdoor educational activities.
An unpaid and voluntary act of community service for a local, national or international charity, positions of responsibility and service within the school, involvement in fundraising initiatives, joining the environmental club, student council or house committees.
Activities that will aid in the development of key skills that will enable the student to develop into a productive member of the global community such as debating, public speaking, Model United Nations, First Aid, Life Skills and study skills.
C.A.S.E. enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal skills through experiential learning. At the same time, it provides an important counter balance to the academic pressures of the rest of the Links educational program. Experiential learning is one of the central themes of Links’ educational program and of C.A.S.E. Experiential learning involves much more than just an activity, it includes; planning, acting, observing and reflecting. Therefore, a good C.A.S.E. program is challenging and enjoyable and a personal journey of self-discovery for the student. This program is designed in a way in which it can help each individual student, meet his or her own personal needs, objects and goals. As seen over the years, C.A.S.E. activities include experiences that are profound and life-changing for children.
C.A.S.E. evidence of achievement is recorded in a personal portfolio. The purpose of the portfolio system is to provide students with an opportunity to organize their co-curricular achievements, and be able to also reflect on their progress.
As well as co-curricular activities, outside of the regular school hours, C.A.S.E. has been allocated periods on the school timetable for Classes 3 to 8. Students in these Classes will participate in short courses that have a duration of 1 Mark Order each. Although we do change our modules yearly, some samples of C.A.S.E. modules include:
• Food & Nutrition • Horticulture • Design and Technology • Wellness and Emotional Intelligence • Health, Safety and Environment • Public Speaking

S.T.E.A.M. represents a shift in education towards a more integrated understanding of the topics being taught and how we can apply and incorporate them into their every-day lives, rather than simply being facts to be memorized.
Links integrates science, technology, engineering art and mathematics in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.
The S.T.E.A.M. program offers a fully developed array of well-established, highly refined interdisciplinary projects and other standards-based learning activities for students that integrate inquiry-based learning, creative expression and problem solving.
Simple experiments, understanding processes, coming up with reasoning/conclusions and environment-related projects and visits.
Drawing designs, exploring different genres of music, creating art using different techniques and tools.
Encouraging exploration, modification and allowing students to pursue their own ideas and curiosities. Design and process circuits, navigation, creating simple machines, BOTS and coding.
Real life problem-solving, setting up a shop, measuring and estimating.
Building, problem-solving, taking boxes apart (assembling and dismantling,) creating structures with a variety of blocks (materials could be cardboard, skewers, pool noodles, clay, wire, wood pieces.)
With its integrated and holistic approach, S.T.E.A.M. allows students to identify cross-curricular connections between different disciplines and fosters a deeper understanding of concepts. It encourages students to think both critically and creatively and to collaborate to come up with innovative solutions. Through hands-on learning techniques and projects, students are also able to connect their learnings, back to their everyday lives in meaningful ways.
Additionally, today educators must prepare students for jobs of the future. Moving forward, our students will need to take on new technologies which will give rise to the need for new skill sets. With the aid of high-quality and the most up-to-date educational resources, the S.T.E.A.M. program aims to provide students with both the relevant knowledge and the in-demand skills they will need to thrive in this ever-evolving world. Some samples of S.T.E.A.M. modules include:
• Science • Art & Music • Math • ICT

Instilling social responsibility and Community Service is an integral part of our School curriculum.
It is mandatory for all students of Class 9 onwards, at Links to complete 30 hours of Community Service to be promoted to the next class and
to graduate.
- Every year, Our Primary students participate in Read-for-a-cause to raise funds. Our Young students celebrate Universal Childrens’ day annually by hosting under previledged students from low income schools.
- Our Secondary school Students organize regular bake sales as part of their CASE program to raise funds for a charity of their choice.
- Links Students actively supports and partners with Special Olympics Pakistan. Our Team is always the forefront of the Annual S.O.P Marathon. In 2023, Links also sponsored an athlete at the Berlin Special Olympics.
- In 2023, Our School Community Sponsored hosted a very successful Halloween carnival for Flood relief victims in Sindh. In 2023, we organized a Spring Festival to raise funds for the Earthquake victims in Turkey.
- As part of Our GO GREEN drive and Annual Earth day Celebrations we organize Beach Clean-up Drives and support the Urban forest.