Dear Parents,
Welcome to Links. Like the students we serve, life at Links is dynamic and ever changing. We would not have it any other way, for in change there is growth, in growth there is development and in development there is lifelong learning; all of which we believe are hallmarks of an excellent school.
Our approach is guided by respect for our students’ individual differences, by recognising their inherent capacity for growth, and by a commitment to provide the highest standards of education.
Our school offers an educational programme, which focuses closely on each child’s development. By maintaining a low child-teacher ratio students receive individual attention, helping them to realize their potential. Our curriculum is designed to encourage children to be positive learners for life.
Each child’s developmental level is assessed and they are provided with a wealth of appropriate learning experiences in a broad and balanced curriculum. We endeavor to provide a supportive school environment whereby we value each child’s contribution.
Throughout the year, we seek opportunities to recognize and celebrate student’s achievements. Merits, trophies and medals ensure that students have a tangible reward for their efforts and achievements. We build on pupils’ strengths, interests, experiences and develop their capacity to learn and work independently and collaboratively. We equip students with the essential skills of literacy, numeracy, information & technology.
Another priority at Links is communication with our families throughout the school year. We take our commitment to help parents understand and be informed of their child’s progress very seriously.
Our staff is committed to providing a caring, secure and stimulating environment and our goal at Links continues to be the provision of a consistently high standard of education and to constantly improve facilities.
For over 25 years, we have successfully nurtured and valued all aspects of our students’ education. We aim to provide our students with skills, knowledge, understanding and critical awareness, which will allow them to develop into highly motivated individuals, ready to enter an ever-changing world with appropriate skill and confidence.